
By Eilatanfoto

A welcome in the night sky

A holiday...head for the islands, the sun, surf and sand or go North to Chiang Mia, home to the Northern Thai festival of Yi Peng, a festival of lights!

Beautiful is the only way to describe the thousands of coloured lanterns that drift into the air and take with them the hopes and dreams of those whom release them.

Every temple has a row of lanterns welcoming wanderers such as myself, to venture in and share stories from beyond the hills. A welcome sanctuary after 3 days in Bangkok, a welcome that will not be forgotten.

How magic the night sky can be :)

A travellers tip - I have a rule of picking a time of day and every day whilst I travel, I stop at that time and look up at the sky to remind myself that I'm looking at the same sky, but in a different place...how lucky am I!

This is a poor picture, a last minute blip as I was way to busy in the moment to think of my camera, but still it is filled with happy thoughts!

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