Saturday: Going Nowhere

This wheelbarrow has been sat in the garden for the last week and doesn't seem to be going anywhere. This is related to work that's being done as a result of our flooded basement a few weeks ago. It turned out there was a pipe blockage as the bamboo roots had grown into it - we now have a very deep hole in our garden. It was supposed to take a week - we'll see, I'm sure it will finish soon.

Karen and Tony took themselves off to Stanley Park today while K. and I had a catch up day. This evening, we headed to 'Darby's' for beer and dinner - it was really quiet there which was nice, probably because it's Thanksgiving weekend.

We knew how the Kavanugh confirmation was going to go but still watched the vote. It's absolutely outrageous the way this has been rushed through. I take small comfort from the fact that the taint and unpleasantness of this will never leave Kavanaugh's name. I can't wait to see what will happen at the midterms.

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