Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

A knitted coaster and a soft feather.

A homely Sunday pondering over, among other aspects of life, what The New Church as described by Swedenborg, the Scientist and visionary who lived in the 1700s, could mean to non believers, doubters, strong believers in the literal sense of the Word and any other world faith groups.
It could be pleasing to the Lord if at its best level this heavenly vision of peace and harmony could be real. I know the current picture is showing tragedy, non peace, victimisation, many current persecutions within the human race. All this shows the darker side of human nature which, kept we can try could be intentional ceased. It is up to us each individually to make key choices not to burgle Lord God from a beautiful unfolding of heaven on Earth.
It can not be forced. Like a flower on a tree, it can gradually appear from a long process. Saying the Lord's Prayer in the version comfortable for you, and there are many, serves to reinforce a sense of alignment with God's Goodness.
I hope this is not offensive to anyone, and the books are free e books online if you Google The Swedenborg Foundation. There are other good avenues of Truth, like the teachings of White Eagle.

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