Purrfect Timing

By Boozo

The Sun Has Got His Hat On.

It's still going on. Virgin seem next to useless, and obviously powerless to actually get anything sorted, so as usually it falls to you to do the job properly.

Second time lucky, we all pile into a taxi and get taken to where we should have all been staying. It reopened today so it had better be good.

We are all suitably impressed with the hotel and why it's so different and better than where we have been put. We felt like we'd come home and were eager to get our things are start our holiday proper.

On returning to our fill-in hotel we enjoy dinner together and debate our next move. We've all been offered £50 each by Virgin, all agreeing this is an insult. The others who have little time left decide to take it and stay put, and we with longer to stay refuse and decide to move the next day.

I have to say we had a room with an amazing view, in the distance you can see Pigeon Island and Castries with it's cruise ships, but this doesn't match the beachfront suite we were meant to be in which had a private bay and no main road behind it, not to mention the hike every time you left your room.

Finally we can begin.

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