Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

Trees on a blue skied day.

After cocooning myself in the warm yesterday, when poor Maria got home from college she was soaked by rain and hail, and all her bag and everything in it needed drying, we have been blessed today with the most lovely blue skied sunny and cold day.
It seems unreal after yesterday, and I feel very sad for all those who have suffered in the floods. I went on a blip walk and captured as many trees as time allowed. The Tree of Paradise, the Beech trees, the Silver Maple tree, Birch trees. Then I went on the local bus to Accrington.
There was a lady with a long haired dog on the journey and he was going to the vet.
Friday is market day so it was quite busy.
Mum had sent Paul and me a gift of money for our anniversary, so I went to the BHF shop and was so glad to find the little statue of an angel, Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus.
The young man who was volunteering in the shop, asked me some very detailed questions as to why I was buying it. He was doing a survey.
Are you buying your purchase because it is good value or because it is a good design.
He asked politely but it was somewhat surprising and slightly amusing.

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