Choose Joy

By Energia


The US feels more divided than at any time during my cognizant lifetime (I’m excluding early childhood). We were divided when thinking about independence from the Crown. We were divided during the Civil War.  We were divided during the 60s and early 70s.

What is new now? People have been fighting racism and police abuse but body cameras and cell phones aren’t new. We have fought sexism but even #metoo is not new. LGBT only recently got the right to marry. That fight isn’t new. People have been prejudiced against Latino immigrants and Muslims for a long time.

I think the difference is that until recently, hateful people had to hide their bigotry. It was uncouth to show you disliked gay/brown/black people. Decent people didn't say things that demonstrated prejudice. Now it feels safe, acceptable to be bigoted. It has been building for a while. It just needed a catalyst. 

It will end. Eventually they will go back into hiding. I just don't know how long it will take or how many people will be hurt first. 

I sent my camera back to Fuji. I needed to do it today even though ideally I wouldn't have gone out to infect others. My camera is nearing the one year old mark when the warranty ends. Now we will see if they cover it. A woman practicing kindness let me ahead of her in the FedEx line. 

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