Weird Light

It didn't last long (it turned black and very wet within a couple of minutes) and this doesn't do it justice.

It was very, very wet when we were out (SWMBO was looking for shoes ..... not these ones)

Of course she had to stop at the fancy ice-cream bar and try the wares.
Not as good as the gellato in Venice was her verdict ................ No sh*t Sherlock!

Bacon butty for lunch with a couple of friends and arrangements made for going to see Charlie Waite giving a talk in Penicuik this evening.

A superb talk.
It is great to see somebody who has been at the top of his profession for so long so so utterly passionate about what he does.

Unfortunately as the evening went on the pain in my head from this damned cold built up to the point that it felt like a head injury rather than a headache which took the edge off the evening and the drive home was not nice.

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