
By passremarkable

O to be organised

I'm a fake. I took a pic of someone else's filing system for today's Blip. I was too embarrassed to take one of my own ever increasing circle of devastation. I had great plans over the summer to go into school and do a massive tidy but in the end I just enjoyed the fantastic holidays instead. Now, five weeks into term, I just keep adding to the problem. Priorities, I keep telling myself. 
Today I crammed some high-speed marking into the after-school slot before heading to a neighbouring school that was holding its 6th Form information evening. As a 6th Form tutor I was representing, alongside the Head of 6th Form, our place, giving out information and answering questions about entry requirements, courses and other opportunities. This evening there were a few parents who appeared to be looking for more advice than their kids but on the whole these evenings affirm the reasons that you choose to go into education in the first place. I wouldn't have stayed twenty years at the same place if I didn't feel that I was making a difference, doing a service or enjoying the job. 
Will I be saying that in another twenty?!

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