Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

Getting ready for Thanksgiving

We are having our family dinner tomorrow when son#2 and family arrive. (He had to work today...) Tatum and Fiona will be REALLY happy to see their cousins, but they have managed to keep busy (!) We made the pumpkin and apple pie today. Tatum is doing the special never-fails pie crust while her Dad is cutting up the apples. We also made yummy pumpkin cookies. Fiona had a hard day playing and playing. Here she and her Mom are working on a puzzle (made harder by the painted compass on the floor). H and I got away from the commotion for a walk :-) Tatum and I spent a little studio time finishing the menus and the decorations for tomorrow and H and I and Daughter-in-law had to have a sauna to relax after all that kitchen work! More tomorrow!
When I get back to Seattle I'll post a few family pix to flickr......We are so thankful we can be together.... (Hihowareyaspray (Tatum) even posted a pretty cool blip today...looking up from about where she is sitting in this picture...
I hope those who celebrate Thanksgiving had a wonderful day....

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