Firework display

Today began well, with plenty of blue sky, and I thought it would be a good day to venture forth with the camera in search of autumn colour. But the sky gradually clouded over and the wind got up, so I stayed at home. 

I eventually went out on the deck (no, I'm not on board ship!) to find a subject to Blip and lighted upon my potful of Kniphofia rooperi, a beautiful red-hot poker from the Eastern Cape of South Africa. I've probably Blipped it before when some of its brethern were growing at Arduaine. I can't remember where I acquired it, but it did well there and the division I brought with me looks happy here, though I hate to confess that it's still in a pot, awaiting a garden in which to grow it!

Its only downside is the rather scruffy foliage which gets damaged in the wind and ends up looking unsightly, so it really needs to be grown in the company of other plants which will disguise or hide its bottom half!

Now, of course, the sky is blue again with lots of fluffy clouds - you can't win!

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