A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Jab, coffee, jab!

On our way to the Tittle Tattle Tea shop this morning for a coffee and chat we called in at the Village Pharmacy for our flu jabs. No queues.

After a nice catch up with friends and villagers I had to return to my dentist for another jab and an extraction! Not too bad but she kept telling me if 'this' happened they would send me to the hospital for surgery and like wise if 'that' happened! Luckily neither happened!

Taking it easy this afternoon before going to see many friends, including walking ladies in our village play this evening.
It's gin night at the pub but my extraction information says no alcohol for 24 hours!!

The day has got gloomier and colder but luckily I took this little Toad Lily earlier for Flower Friday.

I may start the jigsaw I bought at Tittle Tattle this afternoon or one of the many others I seem to have accrued from the same place.
Have a nice weekend everyone.

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