
By Arachne


This is the refurbished interior of the Ultimate Picture Palace, opened in 1911 as Oxford's first cinema. It closed in 1917 when the manager was called up for war service and since then it has been empty, been used as a furniture warehouse, re-opened as a cinema, squatted as a free cinema, and re-reopened. At one point the seats were collapsing and it was a seriously cold place to watch a film, but it is much loved and has been done up again. Since it shows new films 2-3 weeks later than other cinemas it gives dullards like me time to catch up with what's happening. In the cold months it serves some of the most appreciated mulled wine in Oxford.

This afternoon was cold, wet and windy. That's what cinemas are for.

I took this on my phone. I haven't much liked the few previous photos I've taken with it, but I want to explore it a bit more.

Thanks for the unexpected response to yesterday's. I even gather it was in spotlight for a minute or two!

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