Kiwi berries...

...never again.

I had a serious allergic reaction to them.

I have never had them before.

On Wednesday I had three berries and they tasted tart to me, but otherwise I appeared to be fine.

On Thursday I had a kiwi berry and it still tasted very tart to me. So I tried one more.

Big, big mistake.

My mouth began burning. Skin was peeling off the burning areas inside my mouth. My lips and mouth were feeling puffy and numbness setting in. Then the burning went down my throat. I know not to panic, but that was scary.

I realised quickly I was having a severe reaction to the kiwi berry. I always have antihistamine handy because I suffered bad allergic reactions to foods some years ago. (It was 1980’s and 1990’s when I had to see the allergy specialist and stuff). On avoiding everything (not always possible when eating out) I haven’t really had much in the way of food allergy problems for a few years now. Nothing like this.

I took the antihistamine. Checked my blood pressure. It was lower than usual but not dangerously low. But my pulse was racing nearly double. My pulse is normally 60, but was now 110. That was a scary bit because I could feel it.

The antihistamine was working. I could tell. I know (been told to) I can take a second one in an hour or two if needed.

I always keep a bottle of very cold water in the fridge, that helps my throat and breathing. I didn’t have any ice cubes. I must get an ice cube tray again.

My mouth etc started easing. Without that antihistamine I would have had problems.

I was okayish when I went to bed. But when I woke up this morning, I was half asleep, and I could feel a tiny little something hard in my mouth. I bit it without thinking. Big mistake. I hadn’t realised it was a tiny kiwi berry seed that must have wedged between my teeth (I did brush my teeth well last night).

Immediate allergic reaction again, the full works as before. Antihistamines and water by my bed. So, I was able to stop it in its tracks.

Then brushed and flossed my teeth like never before.

I am annoyed with myself I bit into that tiny little kiwi seed when I woke up without realising what it was.

My mouth is still sore and uncomfortable, lips feel puffy but don’t look it.

I will be fine now.

I do have some strawberries in the fridge, but they will get chucked out, just in case I have a cross reaction with them because of this kiwi berry reaction.

Anything I will eat today will be home prepared food by me and cooked!!!!

Also going to check dates on the antihistamines I have in various, backpack, bumbag, by bed, in potting shed, etc...make sure they are all in date.

The reason I am writing and posting this is to warn you of this kiwi berry, so if you already have food allergies then be careful. Just that very tiny kiwi berry seed I accidentally bit into this morning started to cause a full scale allergic reaction to it before I took the antihistamine tablet.

I will be here a long time yet to mither you all!

So thank you for all your comments, stars and love.
Take care x

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