Happy bee
There aren’t many flowers in the garden at the moment, but these autumn crocuses pop up here and there with a welcome splash of colour (and a meal).
The henhouse delivery went well, despite the guy dropping his end as we manoeuvred it off the truck. May be a while before any hens arrive, but it’s a start. Some garden work while waiting for the truck, including grumpily tidying up some of the mess left when my neighbour viciously murdered my hedge.
With work, shopping and cooking, that seems to be the day! CarbBoy, I can report, is already very bored with taking medicine and very irritated at being signed off sport for a week.
Meanwhile, my giving up snacking seems to have resulted in surprising weight loss. Mr B has asked for a projection on when I am likely to entirely disappear, which sounded more like wishful thinking than I would like...
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