
By StillLearning

Waiting ...

I was waiting this evening. In a small room which was a model of order. The two seats just at the right angle reflecting one another with a small table exactly between them. Sunday supplement magazines precisely splayed on top of the coffee table and coasters on either side; again, the same distance from the edge.

It was quite a meditative atmosphere.

I've spent a lot of time in waiting rooms. I am sure someone has worked out how many years of anyone's life is spent waiting in rooms like this. It is probably a sobering amount.

And then there is how many years others have spent waiting for you.

The last hospital waiting room I was in helpfully provided an estimated waiting time - at one time it was 4.5 hours! long enough to get through a short novel if you feel up to it. Just looking at the rolling text helped pass the time.

Our doctors surgery has Radio 5 Live on, a rolling news feed and lots of kids toys. It is actually quite pleasant - wonder if that makes folks arrive more punctually?

My dentist waiting room is austere. Nothing apart from old, uninspiring posters reminding me of my neglect of my teeth and the real reason why I'm there.

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