The Heavenly Windmill (widwed031018)

A trip up to Chesterton Windmill as the golden hour light looked as if it would be good - I'm not convinced myself but I did get to practice with my ND grad and big stopper filters.  Sometimes the sunset lights up the sails and they shine beautifully, not tonight :-)

Just me taking photographs, and a family playing noisy football ... or perhaps mum and the children were playing and dad was just noisy?  You can see them looking a little ghostly to the left of the mill.  
They did at least remember to bring a ball - I managed to leave my polarising filter at home and give myself a fright thinking I had dropped it somewhere on the walk up from the car.

This does look better large on black if you have a minute .... 

My entry for Wide Wednesday - thanks to BobsBlips for hosting.

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