Come into the Garden

By aprecious

Chillaxin with a Cat's toy

Yes. I am chilling with a cat's toy. And yes it does have catnip in it. Don't judge me. That stuff is worth making a do of yourself for. Believe me.

I am finally better and tomorrow I will return to proper food. Proper Breakfast. Proper tea.

aprecious says proper tea is theft.

I think she's mad. After I'd run in mud yesterday she said, "Oh look, it's dirty Bertie from number thirty." None of these facts are correct.

It's the stress she's under I think.

Happy Thanksgiving to all my American chums.

I have wrestled with and beaten 7 chapters. One to go. The 'difficult' 8th and final chapter. I have taken comments off because I am not allowed back on Blip til it's complete. Then, a short conclusion. Then tidy up references. Then... so near so near so near so near... And yet....

Also, completing a funding bid tonight. Also, this time of year is the busiest in the mad mad world of work. Also I am getting thinner (hopefully) and appear to have committed myself to a 10k. I have no knee joint from the last one. Why? Because it's charitable. Innit.

Also I have a cold.

Apart from that everything is fine and dandy. Actually, everything IS fine and dandy!

Hoping very much to get back in the Blipfoto groove right soon.

Edit: I apparently haven't taken comments off. Cos I am a numpty. But please don't feel you should comment :)

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