If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Lingholm Blip meet.

A blipmeet had been arranged meeting at Lingholm Kitchen on the shores of Derwentwater.  Thank you Hildasrose an inspired venue.  There was a good turn out with people from all over the county and the midlands.

In total there were 12 of us and two dogs.  From left to right: Kanyl, Sue Middleton, Valerie12, Marpaul, Misty being stroked by Clickychick, R HIldasrose's husband, Trevor Earthy, Hildasrose, Knottman2, and Biblinros.   The only ones missing from the shot are myself (no great loss there) and Ann Knottman2's wife.   The blip famous Chloe is waiting patiently with Biblinros.   So 10 blippers and 2 partners.

After "breakfast" in the cafe and much talk we had a wander round the gardens followed by a stroll along to Nichol End Marina and back.  We the had more refreshment from the cafe.  All in all a brilliant meet in great weather at a great place.

The extra with most of us in the cafe spread over two tables is particularly for Valerie12's information.  It is the one I showed you on the jetty.

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