
It was a morning of to-ing and fro-ing between the medical centre and the hospital...long story short, Asha still has her castes on and we've not yet had an appointment through to say when she'll be x-rayed... I learnt today that she's on a waiting list but it could be weeks before they X-ray and take off the caste!! Nooooooooo!!! Anyway, I went and saw someone and pleaded her case, so hopefully they'll call us if there is a cancellation... 
Camilla came over for lunch and the afternoon...we went for a wander around the Port and the bottom of Sa Penya. I saw this graffiti a while ago, very appropriate for today!

Drama of the day;
An emotional melt down from Asha at bedtime.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Seeing a woman from Sa Penya in the supermarket, and she was SO incredibly kind to me...a big change from how she's been in the past.
2) Friendly staff at the hospital.
3) An afternoon with Camilla. She's good for the soul.

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