One of the reasons we're in Singapore right now is that today is the celebration of 40 years of the Friends of the Museums Singapore, the international organisation which amongst other things has trained and provided volunteer guides to the Singapore museums since 1978. It's been one of the highlights of my life so far to be an active part of this organisation during the two times/ 11 years in total we were lucky enough to reside in Singapore. It's such a boost to learn about the history, traditions, art and culture of SE Asia and to be able to give back by spreading the gained knowledge while guiding. This morning there was a celebration for FOM's 40th birthday with cake, speeches, a fun lecture by the current director of the Asian Civilisations Museum and a tea reception afterwards. It was really nice to see many friends and familiar faces of old and it felt like definitely being 'home' again.
These reflective spheres form an art installation outside the ACM museum, from this side they're reflecting the museum building and they do reflect a tiny me as well ;-)
We're now waiting for the son to join us to go on a riverboat cruise like proper tourists ;-)
Thanks so much for all your kind comments and stars for yesterday's hotel atrium image.
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