Tussock Tales

By TussockTales

Light Growth

The seasons cycle. There are quite a few folk in Wanaka that cycle too, but The Boss has historical bad bones and has elected not to follow the list (see another one) of older folk who have come off their bikes to life changing experiences. He also believes that you can think while you walk and also look for great images at the same time and he feels that if he was doing that from a bike (apologies to Earthdreamery) there would be a significant risk of a crash. So no cycling for him. Errr .....How did I get to this???
Oh yes The seasons.
Vineyards are great indicators of seasonal change and we walk past this one most days on the way to Stick Palace so it was natural I guess for The Boss to notice the light and what it was doing on the wires and stuff in the evening. The light eventually disappears behind the hills in the background. (About 30 minutes later) but by a wonderful quirk of nature if you miss this it all happens again the next day. Bit like grub really?
Peek at the Pino?


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