
By Legacy

Last Light

I made a mad dash for Marine Park after work and with just a bit of luck, barely caught the end of the day. Luck, however, is an interesting and curious thing because I think that without the chance addition of the canoe the picture would be pretty ordinary. I gotta say, the canoe does it for me.

As I stood there taking pictures my first thought was who in his right mind would be out in a canoe at this hour with it getting colder and darker by the minute. But, I stood there long enough to hear the water gently lapping against the shore and with the shimmering light and the lovely silence of the evening, I began to think that whoever was out there just drifting along was surely the smarter of the two of us, especially since I was standing in rain-saturated grass with cold, wet feet. Besides, while I thought I had a great view, he must have had a better one, so I have to give the guy credit for ending his day on a high note and if I ever find out who it was I'll thank him for helping me end mine on a high note as well.

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