Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Home again!

... But not before we squeezed in a couple more treats. Breakfast (number 2) at Le Braye on St Ouen's Beach. It was jam packed with doggies! We had bacon baps, but when I spied an even bigger treat, I had to have it (Extra).

We had a stress free journey, and arrived back in Edinburgh (photo taken from bus, hence reflections) - rather cooler than what we've been used to in Jersey the past week or two - and were home by 4pm.

Wendy had organised tea, and we had more celebratory bubbles when Elizabeth and Archie arrived back home. He gave us his usual tepid welcome. He rushed round excitedly, but couldn’t wait to hop in Elizabeth's lap and eyed us for a while, before snuggling down to snooze. No worries, we know what he's like.

What a great holiday we had!

Good to be back home, mind.

But only for a day... then we're off again!!

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