SP in a Puddle

Painted all day and it was almost getting dark when I got home. So I trotted out in the light rain to take a few photos before the light was completely gone. This is looking down at the path in our back garden. That's me at the bottom reflected in a puddle filled with fall leaves.

Too busy to do much commenting today. Will be back soon. Hope all of the US blippers have a fantastic Thanksgiving tomorrow. And for my International friends, join us if you'd like by taking a moment to think of things for which you are thankful. It is good to be specific.

I am thankful for:

Sharing my life with my wonderful, sweet, affectionate, patient, kind and loving husband.

My good health and his.

Having three kids whom we love deeply even though they live too far away.

Living near my two brothers and my sister-in-law and Steve's girlfriend. Sharing lots of happy times with them all.

All our wonderful friends - specifically our music friends, my art buddies, Dave & Nora's friends who have become ours too, and my Blip friends.

Being able to do what I love to do, paint, travel, play games, talk and laugh with friends.

Being creative and playful.

My choice to live a positive life and to create as much beauty and kindness as I can while I am still here.

Thanks to all my Blip buddies. May your lives be filled with things for which you are deeply thankful.

Oops. Forgot to mention the kitties. I am thankful that they are in our family.

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