
By NellieD

Concrete, cowboys, coffee and card

First thing this morning, I was at the foot clinic again and on the way back to the car, I went to have a look at the engravings in the concrete. They were all written by school children but this particular one got me thinking. I guess people can be remembered for all sorts of reasons but I like to think it's because of something positive! 

I headed into Manchester as I was going to meet a friend.  I was a bit early so went into Central Library and could hear lots of hollering and cheering. It turns out there was a big event in the performance space by the Prairie Dogs, an LGBT line dance group. I line danced for a number of years - as well as ballroom, Latin American, Old Time, Egyptian belly dancing - so anywhere there is music and dancing, my feet start to tap! They were all having a fantastic time and there were cowboy hats aplenty!

I found my friend and we went for a coffee. I have lots of opportunities to meet new people in my book and crochet groups, some remain people that I just meet at the events I run but there are others when you know you're going to get on from the moment you meet. The first time we met was at a laughter yoga event, the most surreal, bonkers hour ever where we were running round the room pretending to be monkeys and ha-ha'ing and he-he'ing in each others faces! The second time we were in sleeping bags as we slept outside all night to raise money for the food bank we support. When someone joins your group and they jump straight into such random events, you know you've met a pretty special person.

I got home to find a lovely card in the post from Mrs HCB wishing me well for the future - my only card, and it came with an extra sprinkling of hearts as I opened it. 

Having coffee with a 'new' friend today and then coming home to a card from someone I've never met, but was sent with love and kindness, makes me realise that friendships aren't always about the people you've known the longest. Friendship can come along at any time, from an unexpected or unlikely place, or simply because you put yourself out there and suggested 'coffee sometime'. I know I am very lucky to have so many amazing people in my life.

Quote for today:
When the world is so complicated, the simple gift of friendship is in all of our hands.
- Maria Shriver

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