the blink of an eye

By weedave

Poachers light

well I think I am a bat..well ok I am pretty batty but seem to be coming a creature of the night.. well better start at the beginning...I woke up ( not quickly either due to the lack of coffee) Fee off to school , and came to an agreement with Ewan regarding when he was going to school..went saw my mum and dad then home cooked lunch, sent Ewan to school , went and fitted the shower screen for my friend, home ,tidied up, cooked dinner , then off to another scout training evening... then decided at 10:30 pm ( after locking up scout hall) I would go back to where i was last night and try again as weather was slightly better
was slightly better focused tonight and was doing fine until the local warden stopped and shone a very high powered spot light at me and started a full interogation to see if I was poaching or not !

after that the clouds came in and the rain started.. now at home , after midnight and trying to catch up with all your pics , blips and comments , not to mention my emails and facebook.... wheres that cave I need to hang in !!!

hope you are all tucked up and snoozing after a fantastic always ENJOY

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