Sauna 80c, lake 10c

Lovely combination after a busy week is to relax in chimneyless smoke sauna of common sauna of Veittijärvi. Chatting with friendly people.

The blackness and slow hot steam with scent of smoke... Both me and my husband made also three dives into cool water in between the hot sauna.

My knees and back become almost painless after the hot and cold treatment. I feel so light. So very light!

And I got a lovely photo too: The familiar pier again. Swimmers watching to the lake, maybe the swan family is there again.

Speaking about family, my son did came home and everything is ok after a stormy week training and living in woods. I am reliefed! In monday he has to go back to the army brigade, so he has a long weekend off now.

My daughter has lived at home now for almost three weeks. Gasped some fresh air of a small city, finalizing her bachelor thesis via remote access...

Nice to have them all home!


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