Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

A new angle on an old favourite

My cold is improving, so I took a trip to Hexham to refill our fridge and freezer. I need meals that are easy to prepare next week, when the Walking Festival is in full swing.

It was sunny and bright. Aldi was busy; Tesco less so.

After an afternoon rest to make sure I banish the lurgy, I drove to Heavenfield and crossed the field full of sheep to the church. It is much photographed and I wanted to see if I could find a new angle on it.

By now it was much cooler and quite grey, so there were no views to capture. 

Back here, we caught up on Vanity Fair and then tried an Australian thriller called Mystery Road. After The Bodyguard everything seems slow, but this one makes watching paint dry seem exciting. Mum went to sleep.

In my extra, you will see that Oscar is settling in better these days, although he did not come home until nearly 10pm tonight!

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