
By prostel

Way to London

I completed the European Trauma Course and passed the test, which was in Hull. Now I have three days in London. One of the trainers was from London and we will meet tomorrow in London.
I am on train to London. The sky is great but I do not want to disturb other passengers otherwise I would jump to window to catch the red sky. This is a shy photo.
I had great experiences in Hull. Scottish, Irish, Indian and Yorkshire accents were toughest part of the course. I was the only foreigner outside of Europe. Soon UK may be out from EU. Labor party congress and Corby was on screen in the training center. I told my dear friends from UK how lucky they are that opposition party can be seen on TV. This is not possible anymore in Turkey. When I told this they were not able to say anything and it scared them. I felt the fear and I understood that Turkey is in big s...t.
Love to all.

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