Anna and Henry

By AnnaandHenry

First day back

It was Henry's first day back at nursery today after a 2 week break of being poorly then recovering. I was really worried that he wouldn't remember the staff and wouldn't settle. Neil and I both went to drop him off and he clung onto me, digging his nails in because he didn't want me to leave him - I felt terrible!

However when I picked him up he was standing at a table playing with a big smile on his face, covered in food and glitter! Apparently they went outside in the rain and he enjoyed splashing in puddles, he had a 50 min nap after lunch with the other children and ate all of his soup for dinner, and has generally been very happy - I'm so relieved.

He slept well last night too with only 1 wake for a feed at 3am then back to sleep until 7.15. I wonder what tonight will bring?!

Today's blip is Henry having a little snack when we got in. He definitely takes after me - there's always room for a biscuit!

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