campervan man

By campervan

Time to do something about it

Every winter, spending little time in the garden and eating lots of stew and dumplings, I put on a bit of  extra weight.
Every summer, lots of work in the garden and eating salads, I loose the additional pounds.
This summer for some reason I have not shed the additional pounds. Summer is almost over so I need to do something. Not eating stew and dumplings is not an option
So I have got the bike out. The bike is many years old, unused for quite a few years but cleaned and oiled and puncher repaired and sort of ready to use. 
This morning I tried it out. Let the chickens out and then peddling out of the village before 7.00. Bit of a circuit and back home 40 minutes  later.
Several photo stops taken en-route, this was my favorite.

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