
By TrishaR

Words and Pictures - SP for my 600th Blip!

600? Really? 600 pictures in my blip journal?
I know 600 is not a special blip but for me every 100 is a milestone so here is my buddy and I.

I cannot imagine all these pictures laid out side by side, but if they were, I could look and tell roughly what happened on that particular day. For me a picture has the power to bring back a forgotten memory in an instant.

I started out blipping on 18 August 2010, following my husband as he was really keen on it, and I caught the bug! I deliberately chose that day to start as it was Cameron, my eldest grandson's first day of school. As I look back to that first picture, I know exactly my feelings on that day. I was excited for him, but, being a doting Nana, also a bit concerned for him, our smart, sensitive wee grandson, just seemed so young to be starting that first momentous day of his long school years. I know too looking at that picture that I was part of a happy and loving family, and in the background, important for Cameron and equally as excited on this big day, were his Mum and Dad, me of course, and his Papa. Nearly all the important people in Cameron's young life. How far away that day seems now, but strangely, it also seems like last month.

These past months, there was more than one occasion when I talked about giving up blipping, or having a long break from it, but I just stuck in there. I love taking pictures, hell, I am no photographer, I just enjoy capturing the moment, and then processing, then the little bits of chat afterwards... getting to know fellow blippers, enjoying the variety of pictures, laughing at the stories. I also value so very much the support I have received from a lovely group of fantastic, genuine ladies who I would now class as friends, even although I have not meet all of them, just a couple (yet)!

As I write my entry today and think about all that has happened in my life this year I am thinking that Blip has been a bit of a double edged sword for me. I have gained a lot from it, but I have lost much, much more.

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