A Day At A Time.

By ElCid


Duke and I went up into the hills at 8:30 tonight to catch the moon as she rose from the sea. 8:46 p.m. and 99.6% full.

Except for the layer of cloud and haze which hugged the sea. We met Rachel with her two dogs, Duke and Bella. So the Dukes (of Hazard) had a good zoom, Rachel and I had a natter, and the moon went pretty much unphotographed, as she was just a faint orange glow in the hazy sky.

My Duke went for a swim in the stagnant pool and so we both went in the shower on our return.

Only after all that was the moon high enough in the sky to be photographed. Not at all what I had intended or hoped for.

Ah well, that's the way it goes for my photography. 

The stars started out as sensor noise, as the image is cropped right down to a postage stamp and they became exaggerated to look like a star field!

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