A good goosing
Things I learned today:
1. To soft boil a goose egg, set your timer for 9 minutes
2. Goose eggs don't fit in a standard egg cup, try a small jug...
3. There is a wrong kind of snow to make igloos (too dry)
4. My Dad is a great person to shop with if you need persuading to spend your money (talked me into a fab necklace)
5. You can buy hip high Easter Island statues for your house/garden (oh, I so want one.... not even Dad's powers could persuade me it was necessary though at £225....)
6. Puppies are just toooo cute (met a bunch of sheepdog pups today - adorable, want to take them all home)
7. Cooking a roast dinner on an Aga is not a skill you can learn first time (next time we will eat within an hour of the scheduled time, honest)
8. Drinking two bottles of wine between three while trying to cook aforementioned roast dinner, while the only person who knows how the Aga works is upstairs bathing the kids is... unwise.
9. The Serious Food Company Lemon Meringue Pie (from Waitrose) is pretty special
10. Waitrose now delivers to our postcode :-))))
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