Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Colour in autumn

Today it is Gavin's birthday. I did not see him before he went to work - as he leaves at 6.30 am - but we will enjoy his favourite supper at home tonight and open his cards and presents then. It's also lovely that this year Adam and Luke are here for his birthday.

Last night's Harold Pinter plays (two one act plays) were very good, and as with all Pinter plays you walk out having much to discuss and analyse, with everyone having a different interpretation of what it was all about. My friend who booked the tickets said she won't be seeing a Pinter play again!

Its rather chilly in the mornings now but by late morning it is pleasantly warm and today was beautifully sunny all day again. (Adam even did some sun tanning in the garden!) My garden is still looking very colourful although if you look closely you can see these flowers are about to go off and all the spider webs about are a clue that it is autumn.

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