
By JanetH

Success at last!

Don't ask me why but I have wanted to take a picture of the moon for a long time! I've seen pictures others have taken but although I tried with my other camera all I achieved was a burnt out small dot.

This week I am on holiday, with the intention of blitzing the housework. I haven't really managed much of that, my mind is elsewhere and too many distractions. With a new camera I had also set myself a few goals. Tonight I was planning a trip out to try light trails (another long term desire) but this afternoon I finally got the energy to do the housework and now I'm on a roll I probably shouldn't stop. My other goals this week were flowers, done (sort of!), and the moon. I had just started the housework this afternoon when I noticed the moon was out. Dashed out to take a picture when the sky was still quite light but it was slightly covered in clouds so the result was a bit fuzzy. Back to housework. An hour later, a darker sky and no clouds. Too good to miss. Back outside and hey presto, success!!! A happy bunny! Try large. I should add, this is SOOC except a small crop.

Unfortunately now I have posted my blip there is no further excuse today. I MUST do the housework!!!

P.S Apparently the moon is Waxing Gibbous 64% of full tonight.

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