Pixel H

By PixelH

The Wallace Monument

Sore head today. A late one at Zara and Scott's last night. It was fabulous to see them again.We don't do it often enough. Or maybe, given the state of my head, my kidneys and my lungs, once every 6 months is enough....

I used to live in Stirling for Uni so its always quite poignant going back there. I love the Wallace monument though. In all my four years there I can only ever remember climbing up to the actual building once. It was obviously meant to be admired from afar though. You can't see much of the building itself when you're up there.

Off to grans in Dunblane, did some DIY for her and then ended up at Ollie's leaving do. Good luck Ollie and Mags. Hopefully catch up with you on your travels soon.

Needless to say it ws an early night given the late Friday one.

Hope you all had a good one.

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