Still Life

A boozy minimalist Still Life - top shelf, but created on my black cook top with the spotty splash back behind, then one of my own sky textures layered over.  Filled in an hour on a wet Monday afternoon.  I'm not big on Still Life photography, but have been invited to do a presentation to the Geraldine photography Club on this subject.  I've been scouring through the last three years of blips, finding images.  I surprised myself how many I had done over that time.

We are enjoying the welcomed rain, it was getting rather dry....and a very good excuse to hang out inside.
My good friend has just returned from Canada and Alaska including a 10 day photography workshop in Alaska - bears of every colour seen and photographed, so exciting...a lengthy phone conversation filled me in on the highlights.

Thank you all so very much for the love on last nights late blip entry, really appreciated.

I've since added an photo in extra (an hour later) - worth a look !


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