Words as well as colours

These silos are in the Wynyard Quarter, adjacent to the Wind Tree, recently blipped. The light was too poor that morning for these. So I went back this morning, and with better light and a good angle I was able to get this picture.

Elliot O'Donnell is a graffiti artist, street artist, choose your name. He has chosen the name Askew One to identify his work. Here he has painted these silos on contract, organised by Auckland art stalwart Hamish Keith. Mr Keith negotiated with the Auckland Council, and the Board responsible for the developments of the Wynyard Quarter. After obtaining the go-ahead for this project, he then obtained sponsorship, and Aske One has now finished the painting.

He explained the designs as his take on the waters of the harbour and the light through that water, informed by CK Stead's poem Auckland. He has included words from the poem on the sides of the silos. When the work was first finished, Stead read the poem in front of the silos.

Now, however, various bureaucrats are upset because, they fear that no one will want the silos removed now. And that is their long (perhaps medium) term plan. They are also the ones who want to remove the children's playground, as this area is meant to be for people not children.

I hope they stay for a time.

Late (for me) blip tonight as I have flown to Dunedin as tomorrow I am part of a Council team undertaking an review here. Got in late. About to have a late snack, before heading to bed.

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