Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle


Monday is a public holiday in Edinburgh. Not compulsory, but I take the day off. My partner, who has the whole week off annual leave, and I take the train to Dunbar late morning. Its mainly to visit the craft shop, Dunbar Craft Studio, that sells output from local crafters, including items made by my partner. 

Its about lunchtime when we get there, so we head to a café to get some lunch. Then we visit the two charity shops before heading to the craft shop, where my partner finds out what is selling, so she can make some more. I just look around the shop. Afterwards, we head to the zero waste shop to see if there is anything interesting there, but nothing catches the eye.

Then it time to wander down to the harbour. Its quite busy with people, but not so much with boats. The sun has taken this opportunity to head behind a very dark cloud. On top of the lobster pots are small flock of wee birds. There must be rich pickings here. They don't fly off when I am relatively close to snap the main blip. Then we head up to the main harbour mouth, where I snap Extra 1, looking back in to the harbour.

We slowly walk back to the High Street, and its coffee time (time flies). So we head to a different café.

After coffee, we head down to the old harbour, Cromwell Harbour, then on to the beach to look for sea glass, glass that has been frosted and smoothed by the action of sea and sand. We don't find very much, just very small pieces. I take Extra 2 from the beach of a small boat heading out.

Then its time to head home on the train. Its been a nice day out. Work tomorrow.

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