
By cowgirl

I’m cute, right?

Off to a show today with Emma and the boys. Emma’s mum has two hound pups every year, as do many others, to enable them to learn their names and a few basic commands ( well, “ come here “ at least! ). This little girl was just showing how she can now hang onto the stable door so she can be stroked.

The show was up ( for us ) near Grantham, so about a 90 minute drive. There were 120 in Nelson’s class and we arrived with perfect timing to watch a few go round ( don’t know how Emma does it, she just learns the course in the blink of an eye ), tack up, warm up and WIN!!

Horses and riders were having a hard time though, as the winds were gale force, swirling the surface of the arenas ( which are quite sandy ) all round your feet like water, then up into your eyes, nose, mouth and ears! I wasn’t very confident about their chances whilst warming up as Nelson wasn’t happy with the wind issues, but he knows his job and went well in the ring.

Jack’s class was cancelled as the winds got stronger, blowing jumps and barriers about. Also I kept seeing the medics running about, attending to unseated riders, far more than usual, so a good decision to cancel the outdoor classes.

We watched a Grand Prix class - wow, those horses can jump! Then back to the car for a final snack of coffee and brownies before heading home.

A good day, but exhausting, fighting the wind all the time. On the plus side, I have the smoothest skin I’ve ever had, having been sand blasted for several hours!

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