Toronto Skyline

Now why is he posting that? I hear you ask. Quite simply its a reminder of a DAY IN HELL!
Started when I turned up at Calgary airport to find I wasnt even guaranteed a seat! Seats would be allocated at the gate when they found out what size of plane it was and whether they had overbooked. Plane was already an hour late which made connections in Toronto tight. By the time the plane arrived and I had a seat but we two and a half hours late. Dont worry they said your flight is probably delayed too. Arrived in Toronto to find it hadnt been delayed, it had gone. And so to Customer Service desk where a rep was holding a handfull of paper and calling for passengers who were travelling to **. Nobody responded because nobody knew they were. Turns out we all were. Papers turned out to be tickets on the next days 10pm flight to ** and a hotel voucher. OK we said, and our cases? Already rerouted in the system and in a holding pen awaiting next days journey. Result! a stop over in Toronto for 24 hours with just the clothes I stood up in and my camera bag. No phone charger no computer charger, no medication, no change of clothes but I could rest in a hotel, well until noon that is. No extended check out available.
Oh yes and the destination? DUBLIN. With an onward shuttle to Manchester later in the day. 

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