
By CharlotteJ

Victoria Cross

Popped into town this morning and spied and event going on...sadly I couldn’t get close enough to see what was going on, so googled it all when I got back. These poppies (fake) were displayed at costa coffee near to where the event was taking place.
Anyway, this is what it was all about:-
September 21 marks 100 years to the day that Lance Corporal Allan Leonard Lewis VC was killed in action during the final allied push to break the German Hindenburg Line, at the age of 23.

The Victoria Cross was presented to his parents by H.M King George V at Buckingham Palace in April 1919.

100 years on, Allan's great niece, Dawn Lewis, chair of the AL Lewis Memorial Fund, saw the statue unveiled at the Old Market after 18 months of hard work and fundraising. He is the only Hereford man to have received the VC

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