Tales of a bedbound mum

By Bedbound

Dr Dolittle

For months now I have been reading when I can chapters of Hugh lofting's Dr Dolittle books to A. She has been totally absorbed by the antics of the animals and the great dr himself. I however am now really struggling to keep my enthusiasm. We still have three more to read once we've finished the caravan, however luckily the arrival of the Christmas season hs offered me an escape with our annual Christmas classic - the Christmas carol, on the agenda as soon as we finish this book.. Phew.

Sad day on the care front today. One of my main carers has retired after 17 years service to the council. That's a two and a half hour daily visit to me for the last 12 months. I will miss her a lot. The next two weeks are going to be a bit of a transition period, I hope I cope ok with it. They aren't introducing any new carers but are moving some around. Also finally got the dentist here on Friday about my toothache again, and tomorrow I am hoping to wrap some presents for Christmas with my carer.

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