
By Appreciation

Royal Scots Greys' Statue

I spent a ridiculous amount of time drinking coffee and chatting with a friend today, so much so that it left little time for the shopping I had planned.

Cracks are starting to appear in my boy's calm exterior, but he will be fine when the first exam is under his belt tomorrow. We discussed essay plans, key elements and techniques tonight. He has his new pens and sharpened pencil. He even has his dictionary ready for the French exam. I still roll my eyes at that - a dictionary in an exam hardly seems like hard work!

I love how every element of Scottish weather was on show during this shot. The sun peeking in from behind the castle, the different blue skies and the light fluffy clouds being chased by the dark rain clouds. All in the same few seconds.

I think I may do a series of Edinburgh monuments. I love how they come alive when they are in silhouette. First I will have to do what all good local residents do; find out who they actually are!

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