
I have an online chum to thank for this pic.

I was at a loss for what to do for today's photo - it gets a lot harder to come up with evening photos at this time of year and I was in such a hurry I didn't take the camera out on dog-walking duty. So when one of my lovely Internet acquaintances suggested a photo of a water droplet coming out of a tap I thought 'Help!' and also 'Hell. Why not try?' So there it is. It's more of a plerp than drop or a drip though.

So... Today...
Played some flute, looked up something on the Internet that I wanted to know more about, did some shopping, did some lunch, did some walking, did some washing, did some pratting around, did some tea, did some time-wasting online, gasped at the control freaks at Church of England HQ deciding not to allow women bishops. Tess (7), watching the news, said it's not fair that girls who may have had to put up with really annoying brothers shouldn't get the chance to have the important jobs when they grow up.

Richard had to go back to the docs AGAIN today to beg for more steroids and more inhalers and more drops because his nose and breathing are being really naughty and he's not had a date through yet for his operation.

Going to watch Last Tango in Halifax in a minute. I have a good feeling about this and reckon it will be really good. Yay for TV dramas!

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