Boys and their toys!

So Mr W didn't buy the bike - he borrowed it - and really, really liked it. This may well be the time to talk him into selling the Audi and getting a brand new bike instead - with enough money left to play off the mortgage!

He even took great delight in 'taking me into the garage' and making me sit on it with him!!! We were like a pair of kids giggling and messing about!

Then I was off to work. The day ended up being a bit stressful with work issues, Mr W forgetting he was meant to be meeting me for  coffee/shopping  and met with his friend Linda instead (don't ask!), DN1 thinking she was double booked so called on me to help out and my lunch going in and out the oven several times.

Come the evening, DN1 and 2 came over to help me out with a Party Outfit SOS, dinner and chocolate and all was well in the end!

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