
By kjmilner

My Special Care Baby

George John 8lb 11. 17:13pm

It was not the chilled out elective I had planned at all. I reacted badly to the epidural and was sick but that was the least of my worries. My gorgeous George was whisked away to Special Care Baby Unit because he had fluid on his lungs and couldn't get enough oxygen on his own. They started antibiotics as a precaution and suggested he would be in SCBU for at least 36 hours. The worst thing was not being able to be with him as I had to be on the recovery ward until 1:15am. I was on my own for a lot of the time as poor Joe ran up and down looking after me and George. Finally in the small hours of the morning Joe was able to wheel me down to meet my little boy. He was improving rapidly and I was lucky to get some cuddles and give him a feed which he took to really well. 

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