
By tookie

Muddy Prints!

I tracked down the two culprits who were leaving their muddy paw prints all over the place. After what seemed like a possible nice morning the "heavens" let loose once again today. After I let in the hooligans the damage was done...and they were full of vim and vinegar and trampled throughout the house. A bit of hoovering later on will sufficiently clean up the damage! A good carpet clean then post Thanksgiving Holidays will be in order.

Now on to making some broccoli salad to take down to the Portland Thanksgiving with goose and gander and her folks and her sister's family. We are thankful to be included. I'm making a vegan rendition of broccoli salad and a non vegan one. Big R performing his pie magic with one vegan pie and two non vegan pies. All will be delicious I'm sure;) Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate!

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