Fraggle Rock

By frisky


Not entirely sure what this look on Amy's face means or, more importantly, if I should be worried about it or not.

I had a solo trip to the Burtons factory shop this afternoon - Things got a bit out of control while there... Let's just say I don't think Erin will let me go unsupervised again - On the good side we don't need any biscuits for a few months :/

Our new TV unit arrived today - Ironically we only ordered it Sunday, Asda were trying to charge £6 extra to have it delivered within two days - We didn't need it urgently so paid the standard delivery charge, low and behold it was here in two days.... It was on sale for £30 so we couldn't say no (And it fits the a space in the living room perfectly).

Flat-pack construction commenced and was completed with no huffing on my part, Erin must have been relieved. Living room was moved around accordingly and we are both happy with how it all looks. It really is good to be home :)

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